InsurTech Hub Munich – Welcome to the epicenter of digital insurance business.

High-level speakers at the great opening of the InsurTech Hub in Munich on July, 20th. We had the chance to see Dr. Joachim Wenning, CEO from Munich Re. Dr. Christof Mascher, COO of Allianz SE as well as Dr. David Stachon, CEO CosmosDirekt Generali. All of them were challenged by Robin von Hein, CEO of Simpleinsurance, who is digital innovator and founder of a leading e-commerce platform for product insurances. A very interesting panel around customer expectations, technical developments, corporate structures and the digital mindset.  We don’t know, how the insurance industry will look like in future. But we know,that the leading insurance companies based in Munich have opend for innovative ideas and collaboration with small startups. Let’s take the InsurTech Hub Munich to the next level:

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OnFore Founder Vinzent even managed his way into this video 😉

Thanks to Anastasia Stoycheva from the W1  InsurTech Accelerator for the kind invitation and to all the other peope that help make Munich a digital leader.